My little blog is becoming more and more international.
Thanks Ena for this nice text. And for the one like me who doesn't understand a word of croatian, here is a translation in english :
okus Baklave. Gorki okus rakije. Oštri kameni oblici pod našim prstima. Hladne
noći. Maglovita jutra. Suncem ugrijani bolderi. Užitak. Bol. Karakteristike su,
ne samo ovog dalekog putovanja, već ponekad i cijelokupnog psihofizičkog stanja
naših malih bića. Naš put dug je od prilike 2000 km. Polazišna točka Chamonix.
The sweet taste of Baklava cake. The bitter taste of strong rakija. Sharp stone forms under our fingers. Cold nights. Foggy mornings. Sun warmed bolders. Pleasure. Pain. Characteristics are not only of this long travel, but sometimes overall mental and physical state of our little beings. Our journey is aproximatly 2000 km long. The start point is Chamonix.
Uz putna stanica Zagreb, gdje se nalazimo sa prijateljima, Juricom i Pericom,
Ivanom, Sinišom i Lukom Tambačom čije fantastične fotografije imate čast
Followed by “on the way” point Zagreb, where we met with friends, Jurica and Perica, Ivan, Siniša and Luka Tambača whose stunning photos you have the honor watching.
Našu šaroliku grupu između ostalog čine penjači iz Slovenije, Bosne i
Francuske pod spretnim organizatorskim rukama Mihe Hribara. Posljednja stanica
Prilep. Makedonija je egzotična zemlja
koja graniči Kosovom i Srbijom na sjeveru, Bugarskom na istoku, Grčkom na jugu
te Albanijom na zapadu.
Our colorful group is also formed by other climbers from Slovenia, Bosnia and France under the skilled organized hands of Miha Hribar. The last stop wait for us in Prilep. Macedonia is an exotic country, which borders Kosovo and Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south and Albania to the west.
Na našem meniju: osam dana i preko nekoliko stotina boldera. Pravi
penjački Švedski stol. Za sad slabo
poznati gradić Prilep nalazi se tek 3 kilometra od neobičnih, mnogobrojnih,
granitnih stijena. Ovdje se osječamo kao djeca u finoj slastičarnici. Izbor je
golem. Neki puta je teško zadržati motivaciju samo na jednom problemu.
Mogučnosti je tako mnogo. Još bolje. Ovdje je mnoštvo ne ispenjanih projekata.
Na putu od jednog do drugog sektora možete otvoriti preko nekoliko novih smjerova.
Ocjene sežu od 4 do 8b.
On our menu: eight days and over several hundred boulder. The real climbing buffet. For now, little known town of Prilep is located just 3 kilometers from the unusual, numerous granite rocks. Here we feel like kids in a delicious candy store. The choice is huuudgeee. Some times it is hard to keep the motivation for just one problem. There are so many possibilities. Even better. Here is a big choice of non climbed projects. On the way from one sector to another one can open several new routes. Grades are ranging from 4 to 8b.
Penjanje boldera relativno je nova aktivnost u ovom
mjestu, a ovaj golimi potencijal samo čeka svoje mjesto u penjačkom svijetu.
Ponosni smo što smo na ovoj neobičnoj destinaciji, možemo reći u njenoj ranoj
fazi razvoja. Samo je pitanje vremena kada će i Prilep postati jedno od top
preporučenih destinacija poznatih širom svijeta.
Climbing Boulders is a relatively new activity on this location, and this giant potential is just waiting for his place in the climbing world. We are bit proud to stand on this unusual destination, we can say in its early stage of development. It’s only a matter of time when Prilep will also become one of the top recommended climbing destinations known worldwide.
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